July 11 first draft removed and replaced
I had added a lot after I posted this, so I erased the post but not the comments - hope it's not too confusing. Love, Patty : )
Webmistressed by her daughter, Sara.
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Great to read your report, Patty! I'm so happy things seem to be going OK. Yes, Bob should learn Blog-speak! xoxo Carol
Glad to hear you're home and doing OK. That "margaurita" they slipped you really does the trick! (voice of experience)Love and Hugs, Joyce
Patty, It's good to hear you are on the other side of your surgery. Take the time to heal and be taken care of. Long distance hugs, Judy
Quit blogging and REST! U R so wonderful-now REST!
love from the westside,
xoxo Linn
PS Quit reading and R-E-S-T ! :D
Linn is right!!! You need alll the rest you can get. You may feel great but your body is still healing. If you don't get the rest you NEED It'll end up biting you in the backside and your recovery will ultimately take longer than it should.
.....enugh tongue lashing...just glad you're home and doing so great. Will continue to pray for speedy and compete healing. Love and hugs, Joyce
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