Patty's Mammie Grams

Webmistressed by her daughter, Sara. Read the DreamBook guestbook!
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Thursday, August 30, 2007

Aug 29 and 1/2 Shot in the arm caused the aches

Dr. Brooks just called back to say "So, you came down with the 'acheys'." He told me to take 2 Aleve every ?can't remember how many hours, and that should help. He also said it should last only 24 hours. He lies - it's already been longer than that. It will get better. It will.
He said it is from the shot I had the second day after the chemo - the one for the white blood cells. It is my bone marrow working very hard to keep putting out the Leukocytes or something. (I just made that up - I don't remember what it is making.)
Soon I will not be so achey. Love to all....... Patty : )


At August 31, 2007 at 2:50 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Per the prior comment. Listen to your body. Next, get a notebook and write down what they tell you. If you can't write it down, have them write it down. Don't rely on your memory, it is okay to keep asking questions. It is okay to ask them to write down your directions. Even if it is an Advil for your achy body. And . . . please get some sleep. See if they have a home medication sheet that they can fill out for your or have Sara make one up with the time etc and plaster it on your frig. Any little thing to help you remember. Oh yea, if you can, have someone go into the room with the doctor and you for your second set of ears.

Yea, yea you say you have heard this before. But really, take it easy.

Your little nursey sister!!!!
Love you

At September 4, 2007 at 12:27 PM , Blogger dotnroger said...

Okay - it's been 5 days and I need to know how you are. Are the aches better and what all is going on now? I'm praying for an easy road for you but still need affirmation that all is okay.

Hugs, Dot

At September 5, 2007 at 7:04 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

LISTEN to your nursey sister!!!!!
Get some sleep!! And listen to your body. Another trick when you go to the Dr. is to take a little tape recorder (for taking notes. Just repeat their instructions as soon as they say them.
love and prayers,
your nursey cousin,


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