June 5 Highs and Lows
Tuesday June 5, 2007
It has been an up and down weekend and Monday/Tuesday. I called Dr. Roeder's office Monday morning to see if they knew anything about when my MRI appointment in Phoenix would be, and they just kind of giggled at me. "I only just sent the request on Friday at noon". Yes, but I don't have any idea how long any of this takes. "You can call them to make the appointment, if you want to" -- OK! I called, and about a half hour later - I had an appointment for June 27. A very long time from now. : ( I asked to be put on the cancellation list, and so I am.
I called the Dr. office back to tell them the date and they said "Oh, my". That is how I felt, also, and now, after two days of discussion with the very understanding and wonderful folks at the doctor's office, and looking at several scenarios, we decided this afternoon to just try to do everything here in Tucson. But, we found out that would mean having the original MRI redone, here. The radiologist in Tucson thought that the spots were probably benign, as did the Scottsdale guys, and then said he "couldn't even really see the spots the Scottsdale radiologist saw", so needed his own machine and own pictures. And now - this evening, after even more discussion with my friend Dr. Chris, and Bob and Sara, I realized - it really is only three more weeks, and in the whole scheme of things - it is just not a really very long time. Unless you are doing the waiting.
I need to just keep remembering that.
So, the story right now,this evening, at the end of this day, is that I'm now waiting until June 27 for the biopsy in Phoenix. (I'm using Scottsdale and Phoenix interchangeably - like Kansas City and oh...Overland Park) (whichever is easier to type at the time).
I also finally received my return call (out of town till today) from the Genetic Counselor that the first doctor said I didn't need to go to, then he later said I should be going to, because my "treatment depends on the outcome of the counseling". One friend thinks he is just practicing CYA since I've changed doctors.
I think that this might be the gift I can give to the rest of my sisters - and to their girls.
June 11, 2007
Well - the computer broke down right there and it has been a week of frustration trying to get a post on here - I apologize.
Now it is only 16 more days till the biopsy (I called it a 'biology' yesterday!) My brain is on break right now. I realized today that I can call the Dr. tomorrow and ask for an appointment on Friday the 29th as we now know they will have the pathology report back by then. That will get me just a little bit closer to a surgery decision and date - maybe.
Keep up the writing, it is great therapy.
Thinking of you often
"One friend thinks he is just practicing CYA since I've changed doctors."
CYA is what exactly mom?
"I think that this might be the gift I can give to the rest of my sisters - and to their girls."
What about your own girl?!?!?!?!??!?! Hmph.
Sara, Sara, Sara, CYA means cover your rear end. (by making sure it's not your fault if something bad happens!)
And you already know that this 'gift' was especially for you in the first place, silly girl. : ) Love, from yo mamma. Hmph indeed.
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