Patty's Mammie Grams

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Friday, July 13, 2007

July 13 Bandage Off!

YEEEOOOWWWW!!! That was sticky tape. It had started itching under the bandage tape and I was afraid that the same swelling, pulling, blister inducing thing that had happened before was going on. They were very careful about washing off the betedine this time, so evidently it was the tape on top of the betedine that caused the allergic reaction 12 or so years ago.
I got my first shower today and boy did that feel good. I'm still waiting for the phone call from the doc with the pathology results. I hope that we hear today, but it was only a "probably get the results back by Friday". I'm actually not too worried, as it sounded very good on Tuesday, but it will be nice to hear the actual results. P : )


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