Patty's Mammie Grams

Webmistressed by her daughter, Sara. Read the DreamBook guestbook!
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Thursday, August 16, 2007

Aug 16 Help please -- Susan G Komen

This address is too long for one line and doesn't
appreciate being on two lines, so....if there is a
problem copying it - there are a few more chances
on down in this post that will be easier to copy.

Dear All Ya'alls --
I have included this link three more times for your
viewing pleasure. Please read down a little and then
send this link on to all your peeps. I will not give
anyone someone else's e-mail address. If you, or
any of your friends choose to sign up - go for it! All
my peeps thank you and your peeps for your kind
consideration and generosity of spirit. I'll tell you
again, how much they helped me when I didn't
have the money or the insurance to pay for the
mammogram, the second mammogram, the
sonogram, the core needle biopsy, and all the
follow-up exams. Not one red cent did I pay.
That was the biopsy before this one. Others now
need that opportunity, and I am happy that I now
am able to give back to Komen, in the hope that
one day I might have repaid some of my debt to
them, to make up for all they have done for me.
Thank you again for listening/reading my rant.
Love to all, Patty : )

"Organizations like Susan G. Komen for the Cure that
are raising funds for breast cancer research are
making all the difference in the world."
- Elizabeth Edwards

I have some exciting news to report. At the Iowa
State Fair today, Susan G. Komen for the Cure was
joined by Elizabeth Edwards!

Along with Iowa policymakers and hundreds of
community members, breast cancer survivors and
activists, Mrs. Edwards called on political leaders
and presidential candidates to make breast cancer
a national priority in the 2008 presidential campaign
and increase funding for breast cancer screening
programs for low-income and uninsured women.

Mrs. Edwards encouraged us to "keep the pressure
on all the candidates" and said that "this is not an
issue where politics should have any role." She also
said, "There will be a day when we find the key to
breast cancer. We need to increase research dollars.
Organizations like Susan G. Komen for the Cure
that are raising funds for breast cancer research
are making all the difference in the world."

Today's event was part of the Komen Community
Challenge, a cross-country road trip bringing our
special brand of pink ribbon activism to 25 cities
with a rallying cry to "Close the Gap!" - so that all
women have access to the quality care that could
save their lives.

As a Champion for the Cure, you know the facts:
In the United States, a woman has about a 13
percent risk - or one in eight - of developing breast
cancer in her lifetime. Low-income women are
more likely to be diagnosed with late-stage breast
cancer and are three times more likely to die from
the disease. Uninsured women are more likely to
receive a late-stage breast cancer diagnosis and
are 30 to 50 percent more likely to die from the
disease than women with insurance.

Breast cancer survivors and advocates in this
country are millions strong. It's time we band
together and tell our leaders that our priorities
should be their priorities.

And in the coming months we will be doing just
that - stay tuned for more updates and make
sure your friends and family don't miss out on
all the exciting things to come! Send a message
to your friends now, asking them to join us.

Diane Balma
Vice President of Public Policy
Susan G. Komen for the Cure


At August 19, 2007 at 12:57 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rick and I went to a benefit last night for a friend of ours. Food, auction and dance. She had the coolest hat! It was one of her dads old hats and she just bought a beautiful pick floral scarf. Wrapped it for a hat band. It was a sea of pick. Her entire family and others were all in pick - even the guys! Just remember Bald is Beautiful and Let's kick some Cancer Butt!!!

We bought the "right" leg of a set a pink chaps at the County Fair two weeks ago. No, I am not wearing the chaps. It all was donated. It was "tough enough to wear pink" night at the rodeo.

Love you lots and please rest every once in awhile.

P.S. love the name


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