Patty's Mammie Grams

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Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Aug 8 Yes, Chemo begins Monday the 13th

Yes, I get to have chemotherapy. It will improve my 10 year recurrence rate by 4% -- up to 88% and I like that figure better. So --- here we go on this adventure.
Dr. Brooks-the-boss-of-me-now says yes, I will indeed lose all my hair. I forgot to ask when or how soon? I've always wanted to try bald. Here we go, now. My friend Helen says she'll help me with scarves and hats and I'll just be too, too cool! (COOL!!?????!!) (ME?) (MOI?)
I'll go in one day every three weeks for an IV (forgot to ask how long it would take each time) and then I'll feel OK for a couple days, and then perhaps some nausea for a couple days.
Then I'll start all over again three weeks from the first time. I'll take steroid pills the night before and the morning of, to help with the nausea that may or not happen. This happens 4 times in all, so I should be done with all the chemo Oct 15, if I am counting correctly. Bob says, "Maybe you'll have hair by Christmas!"
I will still be working, however, the man of this house who-is-sometimes-the-boss-of-me, has told me that I will not be working any of those 12 hours days, anymore. So, not to worry - I'll go in late on Friday, so I can work on all my Friday night late clients (you all know who you are - my pretties) because that is just about the most favorite part of my week. I love the salon when it quiets down and there are just a few of us, or mostly just me and my client, and we can turn off the loud loud stereo so we can hear each other talking, and then we just feel like we are partying. Or at least I do. I have a great time I can tell you that!

I did get my stitches out of my foot - and re-bandaged with steri-strips and band-aids and all is good with the world. I have it up, iced and wrapped and I'm not going to let it swell so it will heal fast, fast, fast. It is just a little tender, the stitches were scabbed over I think, and there was a little more pulling than usual - but I'm all over it now. Did I mention tender?
Sara is home (finally) (YAY!) and wants to play on the computer very badly, so I must limit my post (?!?) and let her have at it. I love you all very much and thank you all again for all your support through this adventure! On we go.
Lots and lots of love, Patty : )


At August 8, 2007 at 5:35 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Patty, I hope I will see you on a Friday soon, but if you're not up to it, please cancel. Did I mention already that a coworker of mine had straight hair before chemo (and hair loss) and curly hair afterwards? Maybe you'll be transformed too? Sarah Mulholland

At August 9, 2007 at 8:25 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sarah - I'll be there - with bells on! : )

At August 9, 2007 at 10:27 PM , Blogger dotnroger said...

I'm so sorry you have to do chemo- I wish you all the best especially the new curly hair. One of my friends said she hoped her's would grow back its original brunette but alas - the new head was also gray. They (????) gave her 3 wigs but she chose to go bald; however, and I quote her "if only they'd given me a red wig it would have been a different story".

I have two friends going through extensive chemo now and both really hit bottom after each series - their nadir period. I hope it's not bad for you but trust me - it would be hard for you not to be "cool".

Thanks for liking the blog name and using it. I don't seem to be able to come up with many winning ideas so am very pleased.

Please know, my favorite all-time niece, you are always in my heart and in my prayers. I miss you terribly. Thanks for keeping us all up-to-date.

Hugs, Dot

At August 10, 2007 at 11:33 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now you have a beginning date and a closing date. That is good. Do you have to do radiation, also?
Maybe your hair will come in snowy white or be like mine and be white "ear muffs". I like that description and never thought of it until MJ mentioned hers. That would be a neat picture if all nine of us sister's showed our white earmuffs. Anyone game?
Love, Kathy

At August 11, 2007 at 3:32 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are sending lots of good thoughts your way. I think you will look beautiful with the bald look! We love and miss you.
Shawna, Randy and Dillon


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