Patty's Mammie Grams

Webmistressed by her daughter, Sara. Read the DreamBook guestbook!
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Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Sept 4 I'm Patty again!

It has been a few days since I've felt like being on the computer. Sorry for the absence. Thursday afternoon was when the Dr. told me to take Aleve for the 'acheys' and that worked great! But the 'acheys' were still there, I realized yesterday afternoon, after they really went away.
I was off Thursday and spent it mostly in bed. Not even reading much. That means a lot - doesn't it, you readers out there!
Friday I went to work, but I didn't want to be there. I went home for several hours in the middle of the day, and went back at 4 or 5 and worked on 3 people, got home at a decent hour. Went straight to bed and slept for 11 or 12 hours.
Went to work Saturday a.m., not too early, and only had 3 clients. But -- one thing led to another, and now I realize it was the 'underwater movement' that made everything take so long. I had a lot of new product I needed to price and shelve, I had a lot of recycling to take out to the car, and I had friends to talk to for crying out loud.
On the way home, I called to see what was for dinner (yes, it was that late - dark!) and after telling Bob I was too tired to even chew, he suggested getting ICE! CREAM! and making a shake. That sounded good. Only a quick stop at the store, which is right on the way home to the chair. To sit in and put the feet up.
I called from the store as I had said I would, to ask what else was needed, and began the most circuitous route through the newly remodeled and everything is in a different place grocery shopping experience I've ever had. Or ever want to repeat. I couldn't find the last 3 things. Looked everywhere. I was waiting till the end of the shopping to pick up the ICE! CREAM! and so I hadn't gone down that aisle. That was where the other 3 things were that I had been looking for. And, yes, the clerks were all busy at the front of the store.
I just couldn't keep more than one item in my brain at the same time, and poor Sara staying with me on the phone till I found the next thing, didn't know the new layout, and she kept saying she was trying to figure out what might be near whatever I had just picked up. I was so tired I called Sara from the driveway and had her bring in everything and put it all away and bring me a bowl of ICE! CREAM! to eat for dinner. I did have something else, don't know what, as it paled in comparison.
I sat down and didn't get up for a long time. Went to bed and didn't get up for a long time. Sat around on Sunday for a long time, and sat around on Monday for a long time.
We actually have been watching a lot of Animal Planet with a whole week of Steve Irwin. Tonight, Tuesday, is the show he was working on when he was killed by the stingray. We are anticipating it anxiously. Sara really loved him and his wildlife
conservation efforts, and the world lost a great animal lover the day he died.
Monday afternoon I took my Aleve, and then the headache I had still just wouldn't go away, so I took an Imitrex for the migraine, and when they both kicked in and all the pain went away, I realized how under the mark I had been feeling. I told Bob and Sara that we needed to do something - quick, "While I feel good". <--('well', I know, I know) They are still painting Sara's room, so I began working on the laundry that's been piling up for days, nay, weeks. I'm only about 4 more loads from being finished! I jumped out of bed this morning just feeling great! Well, as great as I feel every other morning - just don't want to start it quite yet.
Went to have blood drawn this afternoon for the Med Onc tomorrow. This is the first draw after the first chemo, and they will be watching my white count carefully. It will get lower, and that is why I'm shopping for face masks, next.
Sara's home, we're both cooling off in the bedroom with the extra air conditioner - it's hot out there. It says only 97 degrees, but it is hot. Love and kisses to all, thanks for the thoughts and prayers and hopes and dreams and these are a few of my favorite things.
Hugs and Smiles, Patty : )


At September 4, 2007 at 4:22 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

As your fellow school carpooler, I have to write and yell at you: Why the HECK are you getting up to drive when you've only had 2 hours of sleep!?!! I will drive!! I'm already up. I'm mostly ready to go. Let me drive and RELAX!!!

Love ya, dahling,

At September 4, 2007 at 4:53 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Letting others do things for you is one of the harder things for most people to do graciously. But, what a wonderful gift you have given them when you allow them the privilege of their kindnesses.


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