Patty's Mammie Grams

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Thursday, June 14, 2007

June 14 James Brown Get Well Soon

I have the best clients. Yesterday three friends from Girls Chorus (Mom and two daughters (Hi C and A and S!) came in for hair cuts and gave me the best card in the world. It is a get well card and reads on the outside (with a band aid and a cup of tea and 'not-smiley' face) "I don't want to hear, 'I'm feeling so-so' or 'okay' or 'not so bad"...then you then open it and it reads "That's what I want to hear" as it plays/sings James Brown "I Got You (I Feel Good)" : "WOWW, I feel good. du du du du du du du. I knew that I would now. du du du du du du du. I feel good. du du du du du du du. I knew that I would now. du du du du du du du. So good. du du. So good. du du. I got you. WOWW."
Can't you just hear it --- I played it and played it for everyone in the salon and then for every client that came in after that (they were the first clients of the day) and then I took it home last night and played it over the phone for people and now I think I'm going to punch a hole in it and tie it around my neck with a string because I LOVE IT SO MUCH and it makes me smile. Every. time. I. hear. it. So Good. So Good. Thanks again you three P girls. Love you. I have the best friends and family who love me and help me. Thank you ALL. Patty


At June 16, 2007 at 1:10 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can hear it and was singing right along. Keep singing!!

At June 16, 2007 at 1:12 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, that was me on that anonymous note. Don't know what I was doing and still don't. But really, keep on singing.

At June 19, 2007 at 9:34 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Patty..... I loved your card (that would be a hard one to top) and I love you........ I truly pray that in spite of the fear, you will find great joy. The Lord created you for a purpose and truly wants you to find that joy in Him........I am blessed to be your friend........ you are continually in my heart and prayers.......... M

At July 4, 2007 at 11:16 AM , Blogger RonnieCat said...

Mom, you drove me insane constantly playing that card! It was almost as bad as "Oh what torture, (something or other) everlasting remorse...."

And don't you dare start singing that at me when I get home either!


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