Sept 17 No chemo today - foot surgery tomorrow
My chemo got rescheduled till next Monday because of the non-healing of the neuroma site. Today I went to Dr. Aung who is a 'wound care specialist' and she will be putting a skin graft (grown in a petri dish) on it tomorrow morning, using only a local anesthetic on the site.
I realized late Friday afternoon when this was all being planned, that The-Dr.-who-is-in-charge-of-me might want to know that I was planning on doing just before I raced in to have my chemo. Surgery at 8:30, then chemo at 11:30? I was just worried that we might not have time to drive there and be on time.
So, I called TDWIICOM (The-Dr.-who-is-in-charge-of-me) and TDWIICOM is, therefore, putting the next chemo off till next week and is ruining all my best laid plans, (Karen).
Sally, therefore, will be driving me around for the surgery, instead of holding my hand while we do crosswords, and watch movies, and oh yes, get the chemo drip..drip..drip....drip... ; ) : )
Okay - gotta go eat - had a fasting blood draw this morning and tomorrow have to have fasted for 8 hours and be there at 6:30 a.m. Surgery at 8:30 a.m. It will take maybe only about 20 minutes. They will trim the edges of the non-healing site and then culture that to see if there is a very low infection or "irritant" in there that is not allowing it to heal correctly. Everyone thinks I have a "diabetic foot condition". NOT.
Everyone stay well, take care of your feet, clean out your ears and bellybutton, and get your eyes checked! I just found out I have a freckle on the retina. I think that is pretty special! Patty : )
Take care of yourself. I am so glad Sally is there with you.
Love you, Cindy
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