Sept 24, Dr. over and Chemo over for THIS week
Dr. Aung says the skin graft looks good, but to keep doing what I'm doing - STAY OFF MY FEET!! Until she gives me the go-ahead for next week. I HOPE! My poor, poor clients are so getting the bad end of this stick. And they don't even know it yet! Until they read it here! (I'm so sorry, Linn - I did give you that appointment we talked about.). And so, once again, poor beleaguered Bernard gets to call all my peeps, again, starting tomorrow. They have all been so wonderful and accommodating that I have absolutely no doubt that they will be taken care of very well, but is a trying time for them, too. I am so, so sorry everyone.
Dr. Aung says to my question about next week, "I don't know, let's see how this does this week." She said that these these things can either heal very very slowly (over months!) or they can heal pretty quickly - weeks. I am so ready to have this blue shoe off my foot. (And N0, she didn't wash my foot for me so it will really have a lot of dead skin on it by the time I get to scrub it. Tanya? Kecia? Marla? TMI?! anyone?)
The chemo today was uneventful, again, except for the part where I had to have my friend Helen run quickly, I think I said "Hurry", to find my nurse. I evidently bent my wrist and stopped up the Taxotere drip, and then when I unbent it, it all rushed into me, too, too fast. I had to get a shot of Benedryl into the I.V. line to stop the the black spots in front of my eyes, (I think I was thinking of fainting? -- Any other guesses?), the beet red face and neck and head, (It felt like the top of my head was going to pop right off) and the heat, oh the heat, the heat! All I could do was keep saying oooo*, and oooo, and again oooo. I also had a tiny little stomach hurty which stopped immediately after the Benedryl was administered. No problems at all, after that, and now I know WHAT NOT TO DO!!! Keep the stinking needle site straight and don't try to do a crossword all by yourself.
Now, you say, how could you not keep the needle straight? Doesn't it stick you and hurt. Well, I just saw all this stuff done for the first time since April or May or whenever this all started with the surgery stuff. They puncture the vein with the same type of needle they have always used, but then they pull that out and all that remains is a tinier rubbery tube, on which is now the 'needle'. And it is used with a 'butterfly' (soft and nice) So, even if you move only one iota, it won't hurt and hurt your vein like it used to do. Some of you may have had this done for years, but I was not aware of it till now. I don't know how exactly the the sharp comes off (I do not look), I just know it is much more comfortable.
So, the chemo took longer than it was going to, as they had to stop it down, administer the Benedryl, wait for it to take effect, then start me up again very, very slowly, gradually speeding it up every 10 minutes or so, so that would not happen again.
So friend Helen gave me the ride to and from (thank you so much), sat with me and we did crosswords and tried a sudoku and talked. On the ride home we stopped for a sandwich from eegees, and now here I am, ensconced on the recliner again. Fan blowing, snacks by my side, computer seems to be better (faster a little) today, I have the books and the magazines and the crosswords and the sudokus handy, so I am in hog heaven. Except that I wanted to go back to work this week. : (
Oh, I meant to tell you all - as of last night, the blueberry cobbler and the peach cobbler are all gone, into our tummies, and boy were they good! Thanks again, Sally!! MMMMMMMMM!!!!!! When are you coming again? tee hee. ; )
Peace out and love and kisses and hugs to all. Patty-who-is-following-Dr.'s-orders-to-the-letter
; ) : ) : P : P : P : P (That is a raspberry being blown)
*This is pronounced oo as in chicken coop. Sara and I cannot figure out how to spell it.
Tuesday 11 am So sorry but REST! I called Bernard and told him your news and to cancel my Sat appt. Tell Helen she'll see me on Thursday...llast time she said "oh YOU'RE the Linn" Yep-just me :) Give yourself time to heal! Prayers for you on my end oxox Linn
The big blue shoe elicits the sympathy factor -- run with it (figuratively speaking, of course.) It is also good for developing major Cute Shoe Envy, so you make everyone else happy by complimenting their feet!
Rest well, Princess Patty. xoxo
Patty, I'm going to miss seeing you this week, but I'll be there to see you in November. In the mean time, please rest, recover, and get pampered! Sarah M.
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