July 23 Three days till Radiation Oncologist appt
I'm trying to get information on what to do during the radiation treatments - I have vitamin E to keep the skin form becoming so sore, button up the front blouses so it is easier for off and on, long sleeves to keep me warm(?!) I'm trolling sites to help me - does anyone else have any ideas?
I finished reading Harry Potter last night except for the last bit - the epilogue - which took about 5 minutes this morning. Yes, it was great! Yay for Harry Potter!
Well, I found and have been reading a great and informative web site all afternoon. It is breastcancer.org . It has a wealth of information - including all that I was wondering, and more.
It's bedtime here - we're waiting for news tomorrow of Bob's dad's lung biopsy. It is tense here.
Thank you all for being here and there for me. Lots of love, Patty
I'm amazed that you (and Sara) have FINISHED the new Harry Potter book already. Why didn't I learn to speed read like that? We saw HP Order of Phoenix movie Saturday; as always fun & exciting.
If I had HP's magic wand I'd stupify the stupid nodes for you instead of you having to get stitched, tattooed etc.
Love you -- Carol
I told you to call me when you finished momma!
Hiya Patty! Here's that message board I was telling you about today. Don't get yourself banned! haha http://www.mothering.com/discussions/
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